On Thu, 14 Jan 1993 19:01:39 EST Anthea Tillyer <ABTHC@CUNYVM> said:
>I used to  be a macro economist  and spent my life  working with obscure
>models and concepts,  just as obscure and arcane as  anything a computer
>person can come up  with. Yet, I do not recall my  colleagues or me ever
>delighting in the humiliation or obstruction  of the users of our charts
>and models.
Did users of your  charts and models ask you to make  sure to produce all
your charts in 3"x5" format because there are people whose folders cannot
take a  regular 8"x10" chart, and  they don't want to  use larger folders
because their dimensions are unlucky numbers?  And this isn't even a good
example,  you'd have  to have  spent 10  years working  on improving  the
technology of  8"x10" charts, and  the decision would  have to be  due to
someone at another company where people are not doing their job well.
While it  is obvious that  computer professionals  are here to  provide a
service to users, very often what happens is that you have a couple sites
or departments out there where  these computer professionals aren't doing
their job, either because there is  not enough staff or because the wrong
people were hired.  It isn't the users' fault that  their mail program is
not working,  but then  it isn't  the fault of  the majority  of computer
professionals  who are  doing their  job either.  However, it  is to  the
latter that the  users turn, as they  find them easier to  deal with than
their local staff, who are either never  there, too busy to talk to them,
or plain incompetent.  I could retire now  if I had one  dollar for every
time a user at U of XYZ asked me to fix a problem for them, or complained
to me  that LISTSERV doesn't  have a  custom-feature to bypass  a problem
that is entirely  due to their local  staff, and then gave  them the "you
computer people are  here to serve us" litany when  I suggested he should
turn to his local  computer people, as "they will not do  it so you gotta
do it instead, gee do you think  I'm gonna put up with this nonsense, I'm
no computer nerd I've got my chemistry research to do!".
Users get angry  at "the computer" and, by extension,  to people they see
as an extension  of "the computer". That is why  they are often obnoxious
with people who are paid to solve  the problems of OTHER users and see no
reason they should bear the burden of  the staffing policies at U of XYZ.
Now if  I went to  the legal  advice service of  Volvo and asked  them to
advise me  on a  house contract  because the legal  advice service  of my
company refused to help me, and then  reminded them that it is because of
people  with legal  questions like  me that  companies have  legal advice
services and that  they get a paycheck  at the end of the  month, not the
other way round, well they would tell me to get lost and fast, and nobody
would  find it  strange or  inappropriate! It  fact it  is such  a normal
reaction that it wouldn't  even occur to me to ask  Volvo lawyers to help
me, and  if I did I  would make very sure  to tell them I  am fully aware
that I am  asking for charity, and  that I will understand  if they don't
want to help. But for some reason  it is socially acceptable for users to
demand  anything of  any computer  professional, just  for being  "one of
them", and if  they dare to refuse  they get the "you're  here because of
us"   litany.  And   don't  you   tell   me  that   computers  are   more
obscure/daunting than the law :-)