So, will you be my mentor?  I run a list with seven branches to it.  I run
it out of CUNYVM and it has grown, is growing, out of all proportion to my
expectations and ability to cope. 18 months ago, I had never touched a
computer (didn't even know how to type), and now I have a federal grant to
run this list.  The list now has 1050 subscriptions and is growing at the
rate of 3 new members a day. We are in 46 countries.  Just the error
messages drive me crazy because the list is very active and has at least
100 messages a week, sometimes more. INternational nodes are frequently
down, and graduate students overstuff their mailboxes, etc. etc.  What I
need help with is information about listserv.  I know that there are all
kinds of things that one can do, but I don't know what they are, and my
systems person at CUNYVM is terribly overworked.  I have depended on Eric
for information (and I think that it was in answer to myh questions - NOT
requests - that he made all of the current changes)
Anyway, I don't think I would be a big drag on your time, but I would like
someone to turn to and ask about things - not just about lists but about
computers in general...I am terribly ignorant, and what I know I was taught
by my students....I teach them english, they teach me computer!  I find that
LSTOWN-L just frustrates me because I don't even understand what is said on
it a lot of the time.
Oh, yes, I should add that I do not moderate my list.
And one more thing.  ERic came over and spent christmas with us in New York,
so I have a pretty good relationship with him, and that's why I don't want
to bother him any more.
what do you say?