> (...)        I saw the NAVigator announcement about an on-line instruction
>program for e-mail users and signed up.  The first lesson came with a message
>that the program was not designed for the likes of VM users like me.  I have
>heard nothing since.  The course promised to explain <ftp> and <telnet>.
>I am still lost in the dark VM-woods.
The below script when sent to listserv@ubvm, will index (and optionally
"print") the non-UNIX, non-VMS notes stored in the NAVIGATE filelist.
Note that this will "hit" on 45 entries, and if all were "printed", (by
removing the "*" prepended to "print", would produce over 7300 lines
returned to you as file DATABASE OUTPUT.  Note that this index will
still report on subjects other than "vm" e.g., "gopher".
//ListSrch JOB Echo=no
Database Search DD=Rules outlim=8000
//Rules DD *
search * in navigate where subject does not contain (unix and vms)
index #.3 subject.75
If you are interested in ONLY the VM stuff, ADD the following
command BEFORE the INDEX command (in addition to the first SEARCH) --
   search *  where subject contains .vm
pmw1@psuvm -- co-owner LDBASE-L