Ok, perhaps there is a gap of clarity here ...
   A forged posting is when someone sends a post that appears to be from
someone else.
   An anonymous posting is when someone  sends a post that appears to be
from some userid which will supposedly remain stable.  To this end, when
using a  server for  this purpose,  generally, as  I understand  it, the
server will reject the post for a specific anonymous id if that incoming
mail does not conform to the address that it thinks it should be from.
   Ok, so  let me clear the  air.  Most postings are  real.  A miniscule
number are forged.  Any post may  be forged.  Any post may be anonymous.
Any post  may be  anonymously forged (and  posted) to  appear anonymous.
Any forged post may become anonymous through a server, or even without a
server.  Any  server could pass  a forged  post on as  anonymous.  Every
forged post is a real post.
   So, how then, will LISTSERV be able to tell the difference?
   The only way to stop this would  be to eliminate all userids, dial up
lines, network  software, and people who  may forge posts.  I  don't see
this as a solution.  A PC in a cave with no electricity would be it.
   LISTSERV can't  validate userids  off of its  host, period,  and even
then it can't validate ids on other  systems on its host.  Mail and SMTP
have similar  limitations and holes.   Any solution that goes  even half
way towards a workable solution is not  worth the time (CPU and wall) in
my opinion.
   I think  people should have a  little faith in other  people and deal
with these kinds of net problems when they occur.  I don't see this as a
problem  of significant  proportions, and,  perhaps more  importantly, I
don't see a real solution that can  be adequately enforced or a need for
it in the near future (unless we encourage forged posts en-masse).
** ------------------------------------------------------------------ **
**  Geert K. Marien  :  [log in to unmask] (Bitnet: GKMQC@CUNYVM)  **
**        ListOwner: AIRLINE, RAILROAD, STAMPS, The INDIA List        **
**    (All contents are my own opinions - unless otherwise stated)    **
** ------------------------------------------------------------------ **