Eric Thomas <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Does it
> really make  a difference  whether you  are sent one  message of  3000 or
> three messages of 1000  (at the exact same time)? The  amount of data you
> are getting is the same.
"J. Philip Miller" <[log in to unmask]> replied:
> Most editors of Manually created Digests, have found that their life is much
> simplier if they limit the size of each Digest.  At least in part, this is
> because some gateways and some end systems have limits on the size of mail
> messages.  Thus, at least historically, size limitation has had its
> advantages.
Exactly.  We have some files in our archives that are over 1000
lines long.  Some of our subscribers cannot retrieve these files
by email--their system truncates messages over some limit that is
between 1000 and 2000 lines.  A digest of 3000 lines will be
received correctly if it is sent as 3 pieces of a thousand lines,
but will be truncated if sent as one piece.
Isn't there an official policy on limiting the size of files sent
by Bitnet?  I think I remember reading very recently that the
limit was being changed from 100K to 300K--and that sites did not
have to change immediately to 300K if it caused problems.  A 3000
line file would probably be well over the 100K limit.
I don't have any feel for how serious this problem will be.  It
may not be worth doing anything about.  But I'd be more
comfortable if I could guarantee my subscribers that they won't
get email digests over a 1000 lines long.
                          Peace,  Dan
<<  Daniel D. Wheeler          Internet:  [log in to unmask]  >>
<<  University of Cincinnati     Bitnet:  wheeler@ucbeh       >>