Be forewarned:  I received  a mass  mailing for 2  of my  lists (with
headers for maybe  30+ other lists) from  [log in to unmask] about something
called  gnet.   It  was  107  lines   long  with  a  return  address  of
[log in to unmask]
   At any rate, if  you get bombed by it, you may want  to send him mail
about sending  such items to  lists, as has been  done in the  past when
this issue has come up before.
   The mail I sent was in a nice  tone, but if you are pissed, feel free
to send what you want.
** ------------------------------------------------------------------ **
**  Geert K. Marien  :  [log in to unmask] (Bitnet: GKMQC@CUNYVM)  **
**        ListOwner: AIRLINE, RAILROAD, STAMPS, The INDIA List        **
**    (All contents are my own opinions - unless otherwise stated)    **
** ------------------------------------------------------------------ **