>Being disinclined to post things that are not too useful, I'd like
>to be able to get some indication of how often the list database
>(or better, particular things in the database) is (are) being
>accessed. Is there way for a list subscriber to do that?
I doubt it, but others will be able to tell you better.
You might be asking several different questions, and though I may not
be able to answer them for you, perhaps I can clarify.
ACTIV-L contains both files and notebook archives.  The files and
archives are both GET-able, whereas only the notebooks are searchable
via the LISTSERV Database Search function.  Also, like many lists, it
is gatewayed into at least 25 other (news et al.) systems.
Any value that LISTSERV might be able to return to you then, should
only be used as a lower bound for the "value" of your information.
/Pete ([log in to unmask]) -- co-owner LDBASE-L
Peter M. Weiss                     | not affiliated with psuvm.psu.edu|psuvm
31 Shields Bldg -- Penn State Univ.| "Connectivity is more than a Connection"
University Park, PA USA 16802-1202 | E. Michael Staman, _The Circuit_, Apr 92