I understand that BITNET is gradually being replaced by INTERNET.
No political movement would ever seem to stop this.  INTERNET is
superior in performance than BITNET (at least it is larger and faster).
BITNET uses RSCS communication; INTERNET does not.  Listserv can only
operate with systems using RSCS protocols.  Therefore, once INTERNET
becomes the most prevalent, Listserv will be obsolete, right?
Regardless of the political and economic factors (arguments, negotiations,
etc.), this seems to be inevitable.  As I see it, unless Listserv can
adopt alternate protocols for communication, everyone will move their
lists to e-mail reflectors (yes, with revision of current reflector
software), gophers (anyone try these out? Wow!), or whatever is invented
to compensate for the need.
Just some thoughts.  What thoughts do the list owners here have about these
 | _  l  _  * Matthew Simpson          * BITNET:                      |
 |  \_l_/   * School of Psychology     * [log in to unmask]        |
 |    l     * 145 Jean Jacques Lussier * INTERNET:                    |
 |    l     * Ottawa, Ontario K1N 8P5  * [log in to unmask]    |