Hi: I run a list that has about 500 subscribers and a fair bit of activity
   (maybe 10 things a day) and a fairly naive clientele. They find it hard
   to subscribe and signoff and other things that a more technically adept
   readership can do as a matter of course; but I love them.
   It seems to be raining Error messages on me, now in the third year of
  our existence. I spend lots of time just deleteing the darned things.
  Removing dead people from the list takes lots of my time. It's not
  uncommon that some instructor in Detroit or whereever will signon the
  entire class, and at the end of the semester they all disappear and I
  have to clean up after them.
       I'm tempted to change my keywords to divert all errors to some fake mail
  box and just let them sit there.Is that unconscionable? Or would it set up
  some bizarre resonance between that account when it is full and users'
  accounts when they are full that would bring BITNET down around our ears?
       In short, what do you people do? Do you religiously sit there
 and do everybody's  UNSUBBing for them? And let me tell you about the
 concealed users. There are some errors messages that must be coming from
 old concealed users who I can't discover at all. So am I fated to spend
 eternity deleting error messages from these ghosts? I seem to recall that
 my support people said that finding these concealed people and deleting
 them was a little tough.
    Thanks for any help.
GENE V GLASS                                    ATGVG at ASUACAD.BITNET
College of Education                            ATGVG at ASUACVAX.BITNET
Arizona State University       Internet Address:[log in to unmask]
Tempe, AZ 85287-2411