I am looking for sponsorship for a list regarding medical complications of
Breast Implants. In my practice I see many patients with serious illnesses
which mostt likely results from silicone exposure. One of the  prominent
characteristics of these patients are their isolation. They have no
information from the literature on this subject, nor anecdotal input. No one
will talk to them about this- MDs included.
I propose that literature from medical research, as well as shared experience,
could be archived and made available. A newletter along the lines of "CFS
NEWS" would be valuable to both these patients and their doctors, many of whom
are also in the dark about this problem.
With Breast Implants, we are in similar and preposterous state as with CFS.
The FDA says that implants are potentially harmful, and the syndrome is real
(as does the CDC about CFS) but the medical research is scant and the subjects
are ridiculed by MDs in practice ( with a good dose of misogyny to boot)
I am not a subscriber, so please respond to:
Robert Ira Lewy MD FACP at [log in to unmask]
or [log in to unmask]
or CIS 76057, 3307
Thank you.