Natalie - I just routinely delete people after mail has bounced for a week or
 so (it's an inactive list -- at most a few messages a day), and I'm now
 wonedring if I'm doing wrong.  Thinking about "no-mailing" people vs
 deleting them, I guess I don't see the difference.  From the user point of
 view, all they know (assuming they're still interested in the list and
 haven't just moved to another site w/o bothering to delete themselves), is
 that all of a sudden they stop getting mail from the list.  They can't tell
 any difference between our no-mailing them and deleting them, can they?
 Sure, some time later the "renewal" option may remind them that they haven't
 been on the list, but if they're interested in the list then they won't want
 to wait until then to get back on. And in any case, regardless of whether
 they've been no-mailed or deleted they still need to send a message to the
 listerv -- the only difference is what the message says.  Am I right, or have
 I totally missed something here?  Thanks. -- Phil (OTS-L)