In article <[log in to unmask]>, Trevor C Poole
<[log in to unmask]> says:
>Recently it seems that all mail from the famous NOVELL list
>no longer reaches us.
>I may have made a boo-boo via Lmail or Listserv but have not yet
>spotted it.
>The list seems to be up and accepting commands via TELL but nothing
>in the way of may comes back.
>Anybody got any ideas ?
Maybe .. do a Q NOVELL and see what it says ... if MAIL= NO, that
could explain it.  Could also be a backlog some where on the
RSCS links, or some problem at a backbone LISTSERV site.
Here's an abstract of the filelist -- you probably will be able
to do a GET NOVELL LOGyymmx
  NOVELL   LOG9302A   ALL OWN V      80 14012 93/02/07 23:33:57 Started on Mon,
1 Feb 1993 01:31:11 GMT
  NOVELL   LOG9302B   ALL OWN V      80 14094 93/02/14 23:57:22 Started on Mon,
8 Feb 1993 07:51:32 CET
  NOVELL   LOG9302C   ALL OWN V      97 13892 93/02/21 23:46:37 Started on Mon,
15 Feb 1993 01:48:59 EST
  NOVELL   LOG9302D   ALL OWN V      80 15110 93/02/28 20:07:23 Started on Sun,
21 Feb 1993 23:02:59 GMT+0600
  NOVELL   LOG9303A   ALL OWN V      86 13602 93/03/07 23:36:41 Started on Mon,
1 Mar 1993 08:06:51 MET-1
  NOVELL   LOG9303B   ALL OWN V      87 15848 93/03/13 16:59:24 Started on Sun,
7 Mar 1993 23:54:39 EST
  NOVELL   LOG9303C   ALL OWN V      80  2325 93/03/16 02:49:41 Started on Mon,
15 Mar 1993 07:56:39 EDT