As the Owner of the Listserv here at DukeFSB, I try to do a quick review
of the logs anytime something odd happens and at least a couple of times
a week, just in case.  However, as we all know this means looking thru
1000's of normal messages.  Does anyone have an existing macro to filter
out all these messages and just show any thing unusual?
I'm just hoping to save the time needed to determine the unique text on
each message I want to filter.
Eric, here's an item for your "would be nice" improvement list.  How about
some sort of unique message id for the console messages.  It would only have
to be 2 or 3 alpha-numeric characters.  It would make it a little easier
and faster to locate problem messages in logs.  I.e, it's faster to enter
LOC / M01 / than LOCATE /An error occured while ............/.
Greg Monroe  <[log in to unmask]>
Duke's Fuqua School of Business
Durham, NC  27708-0114