On Sun, 16 May 1993 07:14:00 EDT Peter M. Weiss +1 814 863 1843 said:
>       usenet news
>          bit
>             listserv
>There are a couple of hundred lists buried there.
   However, that is only a list of the lists that are gatewayed (thru
auvm for the most part) to the bit.listserv.* hierarchy.  It is useful
for those with netnews access, and many who have been on my gatewayed
lists have dropped to read them that way.
  Dan Lester                          Internet: [log in to unmask]
  Network Information Coordinator     Bitnet:   ALILESTE@IDBSU
  Boise State University Library
  Boise, Idaho  83725                 In the kingdom of the blind, the
  208-385-1235                        one-eyed man is king.  Erasmus. 1523