Iain Allen wrote
]_^TC>the "diskette maker" program.
]_^Well, there is no readme file in the root directory & the
]_^instructions that came with the CD give NO help on this
]_^matter. I think that there is an .exe file on the CD for
]_^this, but I'm no sure which file it is and the proper
]_^syntax for doing it. Anyone out there know about this?
]_^This is the start of the Batch file I used on the PDK disk.  You will
]_^need to change the disk letter and the subdirectory names to match the
]_^CD-ROM disk directories that you have.  :-
]_^F:\install\loaddskf F:\os2\diskimgs\35\DISK0.DSK A: /F
]_^F:\install\loaddskf F:\os2\diskimgs\35\DISK1.DSK A: /F
]_^etc. up to...
Thank you, sir. I will use this.
 ~ TLX v2.30 ~ C:\Windows  C:\Windows\Run  C:\Program\Crawl
 ~ DeLuxe}/386 1.25 #1390s ~
 ~ QNet3a ~ ILink: The Windmill BBS ~ Lubbock, TX ~ (806) 792-6116