The SCIFAQ-L mailing list only redistributes articles posted in sci.answers,
which is moderated and does not get much traffic, since it is only for the
distribution of FAQs.  So I could fiddle with the size of the checksum queue,
which would solve the problem of rejecting FAQs that don't change from month
to month, but not those that appear weekly, since the variance in the number
of FAQs posted any given week is both high and unpredictable.  This seems to
be a simpler fix than making the Usenet gateway a "moderator".
To answer someone's question:  I am the SCIFAQ-L owner, and Errors-To is set
to OWNER.  I am fully aware of the problem, which is not one of configuring
the existing software, but trying to do something beyond the scope of it.
      Una Smith      Department of Biology       [log in to unmask]
                     Yale University
                     New Haven, CT  06511
PS:  Perhaps the LISTSERV help documents should be posted periodically in
the Usenet newsgroup bit.admin.  They might also be made into formal Usenet
FAQs for cross-posting in news.answers and archival on  This
would go a long way to educating interested Usenetters and others about
LISTSERV.  There are already several FAQs about mailing lists, but the
various LISTSERV documents are relatively unknown:  you almost have to
know how LISTSERV works before you can get instructions on how to use it.