On 19 Aug 1993 17:38:46 GMT Eric Thomas said:
>LISTSERV version  1.8a and LMail  version 1.2a, when  operating together,
>extend the  "global list  exchange" support  (also known  as GLX)  to the
>listname-request pseudo-address, and to  the new listname-server address.
Are most sites running LISTSERV and LMail at the required version
>For instance,  to send  mail to the  owners of  the INFOVAX
>list,  you  could  write  to  [log in to unmask]  and  the
>message will  be passed on to  the LISTSERV that actually  runs the list,
>which will  in turn forward it  to the list owners.
Am I to understand from this that the literal string:
is now a domain?  Or should I for example type:
ie. the domain of any site running a LISTSERV?  The point is that
I'm confused as to syntax (ie. what is a variable, what is literal).
Anyway, I CC-ed this item to:
   [log in to unmask]
from an Internet addr, assuming that "LISTSERV.BITNET" is indeed a
literal string.  The response should be interesting...  :-)
>The new  listname-server convention can be  used to send commands  to the
>LISTSERV  hosting the  list  without having  to know  where  the list  is
>located.  [..]
>Another potentially interesting use of  the -server convention is a means
>to  reach the  list manager  associated  with a  particular list  without
>having  to  know  what  flavour  of software  it  is  running  (LISTSERV,
>Mailbase,  MAILSERV,  Listprocessor,  etc).
Whoever thunk these goodies up should be commended, methinks!
Was that you, Eric?
>                                            This  however  might  require
>modifications  to  the   other  list  managers,  and   some  people  will
>undoubtedly object that it is not an Internet standard. I don't have time
>to open this can of worms at the moment.
(hehe)  Mind if I crosspost your item to the List-Managers list for
discussion?  Or would you want to add some clarifications first?