On Tue, 3 Aug 1993 16:33:24 -0400 Una Smith <[log in to unmask]> said:
>(1)  Automatic error  messages  should  include the  address  of a  real
The list owner can be reached at [log in to unmask]
>(2) Bounces from a mailing list should go to the list owner.
Well, if I  send a message to a  list and it is rejected, I  want to know
about it. Otherwise  I will have to  set the REPRO option  and waste time
throwing away copies of  my own messages in order to  know if my postings
make it, and even  so I may fail to notice that  the message was rejected
since  I  will  be used  to  throwing  away  copies  of my  own  messages
routinely, without thinking about it.
>I do not want to disable the  checking feature, because this is the main
>way  that "loops"  are prevented  from propagating  through the  mailing
Loops are not prevented by the  duplicate checker, because in a loop each
message is different (they get  longer and longer). The duplicate checker
prevents  the list  from being  flooded by  multiple copies  of the  same
message  if  a  mailer goes  wild  and  decides  to  send 200  copies  of
everything.   It  also   prevents   loops  between   mailing  lists   and
misconfigured news gateways. A student here recently decided to gateway a
highly  sensitive local  list we  have for  higher management  types (the
contents aren't  confidential or anything,  but these people are  quite a
bit sceptical  about computers). He screwed  up, and of course  he hadn't
even considered informing me, so the  news gateway started sending a copy
of everything it  got back to the  list while I was  fast asleep. Without
the duplicate code, the administrative types would have been flooded with
copies of the same messages, and that  would have been the last time they
tried to  use a computer  for electronic  conferencing (it was  the first
time this  was being attempted, and  since it was highly  successful they
are going to keep doing that in the future).
>Note,  however, that  because  the loopcheck  algorithm sends  duplicate
>articles back  to the sender,  it doesn't prevent loops  from developing
>between LISTSERV and the offending account!
The offending account is usually a human being and, when it is not, there
are  other mechanisms  that  stop  the loop  after  a  certain amount  of
>Ideally, I think duplicate submissions should be sent to the list owner,
>who could  then deal directly  and in  a context-sensitive way  with the
>original sender.
Or could just hit the discard key  because he maintains 50 lists, and the
poster  would never  know the  message was  rejected. I  cannot take  the
responsibility  of deciding  that all  owners will  dutifully inform  the
poster when  this happens. For  every conscientious owner, there  are two
who simply haven't got the time to take care of such things.
>If duplicate submissions  were redirected to the SCIFAQ-L  owner (me), I
>would  probably not  re-send them  to  the list,  but I  would want  the
>option, as list owner, of doing so  without having to modify the text or
>disable the loopcheck feature.
I  have no  problem with  the  concept, but  how  do you  intend to  tell
LISTSERV to accept the message as  it is, without any alteration? Chances
are this will  be a highly complicated and unusual  procedure that almost
nobody  is going  to use.  Anything  based on  adding a  header field  is
unavailable to  hundreds of  thousands of PC/Mac/VMSmail  users. Anything
based on adding some  command in the mail body is going to  open a can of
>Also, I wish the loopcheck feature worked within a specified timeframe.
That is a good  idea but I'm not sure it can be  implemented in 1.8a. The
code that processes postings to mailing lists will be converted to PASCAL
with version 1.8b  and then it will be  easy to do - and I  won't have to
write new  code that will  be trashed in  the next release  and rewritten
from scratch in another language.