On     Wed,    4     Aug    1993     19:21:26    -0400     Chris    Lewis
<[log in to unmask]> said:
>No,  I'm applying  usenet logic  to  usenet. Articles  posted to  usenet
>should  never  bounce.  I  don't  care what  a  gateway  is  gating  to,
>transmission problems outside of usenet are the gatewayer's problem.
Correct. It's magic  wand logic you're applying here. You  are posting to
usenet  and expect  a certain  behaviour,  which is  standard in  usenet.
Someone  is gatewaying  your message  to another  world, which  expects a
different behaviour, standard  in that world. You expect  the software in
that other world  to somehow divinate that this  particular message comes
from  someone who  posted  it  via usenet  and  who  expects a  different
behaviour.  Furthermore  you  expect  that software  to  accomodate  your
expectations even though they are  the opposite of its normal operational
mode. Of course the rest of  the world should adapt to your expectations.
If there  is a  possibility that  you might receive  a message  you don't
want, the  software that sends  it should be  modified to never  send it.
After all, since it is never useful to you, it is never useful to anyone,
and everyone should follow the usenet design. God forbid that there might
be different philosophies, cultures or designs in the network.