Hi... i'm trying to disable distribute mail of the listserv, the reason
is easy, i need minimizer the trafic via RSCS, and Distribute send
output to others listserv (generaly LISTSERV@uchcecvm and LISTSERV@UMDD).
We have some lists (I-pascal, have much trafic, sometime 80 mails
diaryly; more list with low trafic and others list of local interest,
this list local, is equal to i-pascal, with reference to trafic)
Now... it's possible to DONT SEND (listserv) Distribute MAIL to others
listserv? I want that all mail, generated for list, it be forward to
SMTP machine, and this machine can to deliberate to users.
There a keyword (for LIST HEADER), this keyword is * Mail-Via =  option
BUT... the unique option (available?) is DISTRIBUTE... i change this
keyword for * Mail-Via= SMTP@UTFSM, but listserv say that dont valid
keyword. Anyone have any solution to this problem?
thanks in advance.