>>    I have some unmoderated, open lists and when things get
>>completely outside the topic of the list, I send email to the
>>person/persons asking them politely to stop.  By then, probably
>>they have already received enough flamemail from other subscribers
>>there is no problem.  Problem solved.
>As always, the best defense is a good offense: usual rules and
>etiquettes in the Welcome Message.
And some guidelines as to what the list topic is.
However, you might have to word it all very, very carefully, because there
will always be someone who starts testing what *is* and what is *not* a
legitimate list topic, like a two year old who wants to know just how firm
your NO! really is.
>>gsually an explanation of how lists are set up will suffice, but
>>I'm always looking for a better rationale.
>I believe that there is always a line (drawn in the sand) that
>someone will always (want to) step over.  And the retort,
>"who are you to tell me" is always echoed.
The individual who was our particular bete noire never really challenged
our right to define list topics or state list rules, just had a
pettifogger's mind for finding loopholes and lacunae in whatever we said.
When he started to send "that's not a legitimate posting" messages directly
to other listmembers, we decided enough was really enough.
(I am considering detailing the incident on my vita under "Management
Experience <grin>.)
It's best to be firm, cool, calm, businesslike, courteous through gritted
teeth if need be; ultimately, "I am the listowner and hold the ultimate
responsibility for this list.  Consider this the last warning shot across
your bows" may well end up only answer that will keep your sanity.
>Just my .02 non-denominational monetary units.
I'll see your tuppence and raise you a ha'penny.
Mario Rups