On Wed, 13 Oct 1993, Lissa Mosley wrote:
> I want to use the <listname> WELCOME file to send a FAQ to new users.
> So far, everything is working fine, except for the "Usage Guidelines for
> <listname> List" subject that the LISTSERV puts on the message containing
> the WELCOME file.  Is it possible to change the subject line?
I don't have any answers for these questions, but I'd like to note that I'd
read previously on this list that whatever message you put in your Subject
when storing the WELCOME file will become the Subject of that file
whenever it is sent out, but my personal experience at my Listserv shows
this is *not* true.  I look forward to other responses to this question.
> Also, the WELCOME message is sent before the new subscriber message.  I
> don't suppose there's much I can do about that, eh?
I would guess that there is, because at my Listserv the WELCOME files are
in fact always sent 2nd.  Again, I look forward to discussion about these
-- Roger Burns   [log in to unmask]
   List-owner, CFS-L and CFS-NEWS at NIHLIST