And verily didst Wayne Hauber spake of these matters:
> I'm working with a person who wants to start a list.
> We don't run listserv on our campus (no VM sites on campus any
> more).  We've got MAILSERV on a VAX but it may be decommissioned
> next year.
There is a VERY easy program called Majordomo which is a Listserv-like
program for Unix.  It is simple to install and run, and works
great for automating the routine subscription handling for lists.
It is available for anonymous FTP from
- Alan
----                                                            ,,,,
Alan Millar            [log in to unmask]              __oo  \
System Administrator                                           =___/
I believe the word you're looking for is "AAAAAAGHHHHHH!!!!"  -Batman Returns