On Wed, 15 Dec 1993, Ken Boschert wrote:
> I've learned to live with "normal" mail bounces.  But what would be
> the reason mail would bounce from an account not even on my list (it
> appears to be an administrator's account), not to me, but to any person who
> originates a message on the list?
You seem to be describing two different phenomena.  Anyone who posts a
message to a list will get a copy of any bounced mail generated by that
message.  That always happens, and there seems to be no technical way
around it, despite ruminations by top network programmers for a decade or so.
As to mail being bounced *from* an adminstrator who's not a subscriber to
your list, I'm less sure about that.  Sometimes the original subscribing
address has had its mail set to be forwarded to a 2nd address; then if
that *2nd* address gets deleted, funny things can happen, perhaps such as
you're seeing now.  Have you sent an inquiry to the local postmaster to
ask why an address not apparently on your subscriber list is bouncing list
messages back?
-- Roger Burns   [log in to unmask]