Crossposted to LSTOWN-L from NETTRAIN, FYI, without comment.  -- Glee
  Date:         Tue, 21 Dec 1993 09:18:22 -0600
  Sender: Internet/BITNET Network Trainers <[log in to unmask]>
  Subject:      Ethics Question
  Message forwarded by NETTRAIN moderator.
  Please address inquiries to the original sender (below):
  Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1993 14:09 -0400 (EDT)
  From: Arlene Rinaldi <[log in to unmask]>
  I receive mail on questions of "Computer Ethics", because of the piece
  I put together on Netiquette..   Just recently someone asked if there
  were any "rules" on mass mailing.   The person was asked by one of the
  professors at his institution, if he could subscribe to multiple (lots)
  of Mailing Lists, get the subscriber's list, unsubscribe immediately, then
  create a mass distribution list from the names and email addresses and
  send out mail.
  Now, this doesn't seem too kosher to me, and I'd hate to start
  receiving "junk mail" (maybe even multiple times since I'm a member of
  different lists) on a regular basis.   But I can see how the logistics
  of this would be easy to do..   The person that asked me if there was
  any info on this is also a system's administrator and would more than
  likely be swamped with mail messages of irate netters who would not
  appreciate this invasion of their mailboxes.  But, he doesn't have any
  information or "policies" as to justifying why this should be done.
  Have any of you come across "rules" that would cover this type of
  situation?   Or is it just impossible to control (we get junk mail at
  home that we can't stop - but then again, we're talking disk space
  Thanks in advance for any help on this..
        Arlene H. Rinaldi - Academic/Institutional Support Services
      Education/Training - Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL
           Internet: [log in to unmask]  Bitnet: RINALDI@FAUVAX