On Tue, 21 Dec 1993 09:16:52 PST Glee Willis said:
>  any info on this is also a system's administrator and would more than
>  likely be swamped with mail messages of irate netters who would not
>  appreciate this invasion of their mailboxes.
I would be one of those very upset with this practice.  If it were one
of my users I'd close the account and have a strong talk with that
person.  We publish the BITNET Usage Guidelines and expect everyone to
live by them.  Here is the appropriate outtake:
o Random mailings, junk mail, frivolous contacts and job solicitations
  are discouraged.  Chain letters are strictly prohibited.
To get a copy send listserv@bitnic the command 'get cren net-use' and
to find out about other usage policies, send the command 'index netinfo'