Nodes VMTECMEX and UNAMVM1 were phased out since early last year.
Unfortunately, their respective admins failed to send a Delete Node job
to UPDATE@BITNIC, and we continue to carry their ghosts in the nodes
After the latest round of Listserv backbone reconfigurations, the server
at my node has seen an increased load of backbone traffic and it has come
to my attention (i. e. bounced mail) that there are still a few subscriptions
pointing to those defunct nodes.
If, in the course of your regular list maintenance, you should happen to
come across somebody subscribed from either of those nodes, please do us
all the favor of deleting him/her.
Juan Courcoul
P.S. For the techno-historically curious: node VMTECMEX was an IBM 9375 whose
     functions were absorbed by node ITESMVF1. Node UNAMVM1 was an IBM 4381
     which met its maker following a catastrophic system crash and was sort of
     replaced by node REDVAX1 (at least userwise).