I personally apoligize to all the hard-working postmaster from
my earlier message concerning cutting people off mailing list. In
this case I just got the reply from LeighAnn -- and I sent her
an apology letters -- simply concerned about our subscribers
and did not think clearly. I am learning, but slowly. Wayne
problem is below.
From: LeighAnn Marshall <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Why did you remove our clients from AFA-FIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear [log in to unmask]
In procedure to extract Baylor from BITNET, we were attempting to
follow instructions outlined in an article entitled, "Leaving BITNET,"
from the BITNIC file repository.  The original unsubscription command
was supposed to affect two obscure BITNET Baylor nodes.  However,
it erroneously unsubscribed all discussion list participants at
Baylor, including those for AFA-FIN.
I regret the inconvenience for Baylor subscribers to AFA-FIN,
and hopefully, by now, they're resubscribed and participating
in AFA-FIN discussions.
Leigh Ann Marshall
Baylor University
[log in to unmask]