On Wed, 23 Mar 1994 20:41:15 EST Roger Fajman <[log in to unmask]> said:
>It does  mean that the  LAN mail system's  reply function will  not work
>properly. However,  it seems like the  users of the mail  system that is
>deficient in functionality should pay  the price, rather than others out
>there on the Internet.
That is not  my experience. I've generally found that  systems like this,
and in particular plain VMSmail, put  the Reply-To: address in the "from"
field. The rationale is  simple: "our" users (ie my boss  and all the top
execs) should get the service they  expect, because they'll demand it and
end up making proposals we can't refuse. Too bad for the Internet, that's
the price they  pay for not running  cc:Mail, and the Internet  is a mess
anyway! :-)