I am  running Release 1.7f  of Listserv. For some  of our lists,  the standard
welcome message is sufficient. For others,  the owners have taken advantage of
the ability create  a WELCOME file for  the list and accept the  fact that new
subscribers get two notes when they join  their list. Now I have an owner just
starting a  list who  wants the  standard message  REPLACED by  the customized
message. I have tried to get the  $DEFAULT MAILFORM file from LISTSERV, but it
says it is  unknown to it. I also  get the impression that the  file will have
imbedded text  in it. We  don't have  software to create  a script file.  So I
wonder about my ability  to replace the $default mailform or  add one with the
filename of  <listname> MAILFORM. I  also fear that erasing  $DEFAULT MAILFORM
from LISTSERV's 191  will cause problems for lists  without customized welcome
So, how do  I cause one welcome message, customized, to be sent to subscribers
of one of the lists hosted at our site?
GFIERO@SED  (518)486-1912