At 10:15 PM 3/29/94 +0000, Aldo-Pier Solari wrote:
>Dear Seniors,
>Recently, a new subscriber, has directed a message to the entire list
>where she expressed political views and had a signature with words  -
>such as "penis & vagina" in a political or sexual activist context.
> [. . .]
>Now, I received a reply of the type: Mind your own biz ... etc.!
>I think I have a cow-boy around here and I would thank you for some
Send a note, with a cc to appropriate postmasters--and maybe the list
itself--saying that you will not tolerate such offensive and off-topic mail
any more, and that, if she persists, you will remove her from the list.
Follow through with it, if you must.
Be sure to state everything--I am the owner of this list and have the
authority to do this, I am doing it because of this, you must do (or not
do) this, etc.
If she persists in harassing your list after being unsubscribed, there's
still plenty of recourse--just ask us, I'm sure you'll hear an answer.
Rember that by joining your list, people are visiting with you. There is no
reason why you should tolerate obnoxious guests.
>    Thank you. Aldo-Pier.
Ben Goren
Protect your privacy; oppose Clipper. Write to me for info.
 Arizona State University School of Music
 Internet: [log in to unmask]
 BITNet: BenGoren AT ASU