Since Eric has replied, then probably all of the bases have been covered.
But based on some suggestions I've received through private mail, I have
two more questions.
(1) It would be neat if the DIST job could directly access the subscription
list from Listserv without my having to create my own physical file each
time.  I'm saying this from the point of view of an L.T.L.O. (a low-tech
list owner) who doesn't have access to a text manipulation program to
easily create the file.  I could do a REV listname NOHEADER to obtain a
physical file, but then I'd need to do the concealed addresses separately.
I could GET listname LIST (NOL but then I'd need a lot of manipulation
from there to get rid the columns 81+ characters, and the header.
Is there a way to set DD=something or set TO=something so that the subscriber
list is accessed directly?
(2) Someone privately suggested that there might possibly be a way for me to
set AFD for my rules file for all of my subscribers (and possibly add
something to the list header so that all new subscribers would be AFD
ADDed on).  Then whenever I decided to re-PUT my rules file (even if it's
the same text), everyone would then get a copy via the AFD procedure.
(And that would of course be completely independent of the message notebook.)
However, my reading of the manuals says nothing about AFD recipients being
positively linkable to any message list subscriber list, or that a file/list-
owner could AFD ADD list members with a wildcard.  (Or in fact that a 2nd
person could AFD ADD *anyone* besides themselves.) It seems that there's
no way to automatically link a Listserv message list and an AFD list.  Am
I right?  Or *is* there some way that a list-owner could easily work this?
Again, thanks for any help!
-- Roger Burns   [log in to unmask]