Dear List Owner/Moderator/Editor
I am making a final appeal (I PROMISE) for your help.  In my previous
two postings I have received replies from only about 15 list owners.
I was hoping for a better response rate.  I am genuinely interested in
where we are headed with electronic communication like this.  I hope
you are too, and I hope you can help me.  It will take only a few
moments to answer the 15 questions.
The Internet is becoming such an important means of communication among
certain users that we need to begin looking closer at what it all means.
We've studies the "traditional" media to death and we're still learning
new things about them.  I'd like to begin learning about this new medium.
I'd sure appreciate your help.
Even if the list you own is not moderated, there are some questions in
this short survey you can help with.  I'd be interested to know what
type of list it is, numbers of messages, numbers of subscribers and so
on.If your list IS moderated, your answers are even more important.
I'd like to hear from about 90-100 more of you.
As I said on the original posting, your answers will be confidential.
I am a graduate student at the University of Missouri School of
Journalism, and I hope to use the results in an academic paper.
The survey is short, only 15 questions, and should take you just a few
minutes to answer.  None of the questions requires any detailed answer.
Once, again, if you would like a copy of the results, please send a
separate message to me.  I will post survey results to the list, but
the paper will probably end up being longer than most subscribers would
care to see on the list.
Once again, thank you for your cooperation.
Chris Allen <[log in to unmask]>
 1.  What is the main purpose of your list? (Choose the answer that
     best fits)
     a.  Discussion of technical information
     b.  Discussion of an area of study (academic)
     c.  Discussion of an area of interest
     d.  Distribution of information only -- no discussion
Answer: ______
 2.  What is the topic of your list?
 3.  How far from the main purpose does discussion generally range?
     a.  Very far -- discussion is not limited to the purpose.
     b.  Somewhat far -- discussion should be related to the purpose.
     c.  Not far -- limited discussion of related issues is allowed
     d.  Not at all -- discussion is restricted to the purpose.
Answer: ______
 4.  Do you ever delete messages before they are distributed?
     _____ Yes     _____ No
 5.  Do you ever halt a line of discussion?
     _____ Yes     _____ No
 6.  Please give the reason(s) you altered or deleted the last three
     messages sent for distribution on your list, if you have indeed
     altered or deleted any.
 7.  Please give the reason(s) you halted a line of discussion on your
     list, if indeed you have halted a line of discussion.
 8.  How many subscribers did your list have when you started?
 9.  How many subscribers does your list have now?
10.  In any one week, on the average, how many messages were posted to
     your list when it started?
11.  In any one week, on the average, how many messages are posted to
     your list?
12.  How long has your list been in operation?
13.  How long have you been owner or moderator of your list?
14.  Have you had any background in (pick the best response):
     a.  Journalism
     b.  Inrmation management systems
     c.  Communications
     d.  Libraries
     e.  Haven't had background in any of those.
     Answer: ______
  Your comments:
  Once again, thank you very much for your help in answering this
  survey.  I appreciate your patience.