>         My list is having a similar problem.  Except that the message *does*
>         get posted, and sometime later the original poster receives the
>         'rejected because it's a duplicate' message.
        This was happening to my list, too, but I think I found the source
of the problem (at least for my list).  WMST-L has two subscribers from
SAUNIX.SAU.EDU, wherever that is (I couldn't find it), and it appears that
the SAUNIX mail system is/was malfunctioning.  Messages sent from WMST-L
to those subscribers would be sent back to the list; the LISTSERV software
recognized the message as one that had already appeared and so sent a
message back to the original poster "rejecting" the message as a duplicate.
Most posters didn't understand what had happened, and so they sent the message
yet AGAIN to WMST-L, sometimes changing enough so that it got posted
again.  Sigh.  Anyway, I solved the problem temporarily by setting the two
SAUNIX.SAU.EDU subscribers to NOMAIL.  I tried contacting the postmaster
there, but my message was returned with the explanation that the postmaster
was "user unknown."  I then tried writing to the two subscribers; a day or
so has gone by, but I haven't yet heard from either of them.
        I'm not sure whether your problems have the same origin, but I
thought you might find the above explanation useful.
        Joan Korenman, WMST-L Listowner   KORENMAN@UMBC
        Univ. of MD. Baltimore County     [log in to unmask]
        Baltimore, Maryland 21228-5398