On Mon, 21 Mar 1994, Bruce Dienes wrote:
> I have been scsnning the LSTOWN database for info on how to place a
> limit on the length of posts submitted to a list.  I found a line limit
> for digests, and a maximum number of posts per day, but no info on
> restricting the length of individual posts.  Is this possible?
5.12 Maximum size of a message to a list
If users receive notification that their message was too large to be
sent to a list, you may want to examine the SIZELIM variable to evaluate
whether it is adequate for users on your LISTSERV. In the interests of
network resource economy, you should first evaluate the user's need to
send a large file and suggest sending the file in two parts if sending a
large file is only an occasional requirement.
SIZELIM= (default value taken from LOCAL SYSVARS variable MAILMAXL)
This keyword controls the maximum number of lines for an incoming mail
message to the list. You can raise it above MAILMAXL, but it cannot
exceed the LOCAL SYSVARS variable FILEMAXL. If this is a PEERED LIST,
make sure that you check with the PEERs' POSTMASTERS before changing
____        Robert A. Hayden          <=> [log in to unmask]
\  /__          -=-=-=-=-             <=>          -=-=-=-=-
 \/  /   Finger for Geek Code Info    <=> Political Correctness is
   \/  Finger for PGP 2.3a Public Key <=> P.C. for "Thought Police"
(GEEK CODE 1.0.1)  GAT d- -p+(---) c++(++++) l++ u++ e+/* m++(*)@ s-/++
                       n-(---) h+(*) f+ g+ w++ t++ r++ y+(*)