>Permanent moderation can be a pain.  Consider the following.  Announce
>that the list will be moderated temporarily until it settles into the
>original vision you've had for it.  At the same time, post some rules for
>the list to help it get on the track you want it to.  Include a
>Oh -- be sure to include your rules in your WELCOME file so that new
>subscribers will know the rules from the beginning.  And don't be afraid
>to create new rules over time as experience dictates.  Evolution is
>expected, particularly in a newly founded list.
Good thought, but (at the risk of sounding like a broken record, because I
think I've made this point before), be careful how you phrase things,
because there are always going to be pettyfoggers out there who will then
start following the letter but not the spirit of the law, and will *still*
cause you trouble while maintaining an innocent "but you *said* this was
allowed!" expression.
*Lots* of work, though, especially the arguments.
>-- Roger Burns   [log in to unmask]
>   List-owner, CFS-L Chronic Fatigue Syndrome discussion
Mario Rups, [log in to unmask]
co-listowner, ARCANA