On Wed, 4 May 1994 07:27:21 CDT, Wendy Plotkin wrote
>I received a request to subscribe from
>Any mail to this address ends up with an error message, and my list
>of Bitnet addresses does not show "BORONIA".
One (seems remote) possibility is that 'BORONIA' is joining BITNET and the
nodetables haven't caught up yet (this sort of thing used to be common in
the 'old days'--four or five years ago ;-)
On the other hand, Peter Weiss's little test indicates that the mailer at
BORONIA.UTS.EDU.AU is simply FUBAR.  You might want to risk adding
[log in to unmask] by hand, or at least
dispatching a note to that address indicating that her system mailer is
misconfigured and that you'd be glad to accept a subscription *as soon as
its fixed!* (contact your local postmaster ;-)
/s Murph Sewall                                 (203) 486-2489 voice
   Marketing Department                         (203) 486-5246 fax