On Tue, 24 May 1994 08:37:16 -0500 Winship said:
>In the not too distant past, in the discussion about how owners
>with Send= Private could still allow Usenet, NetNews, etc readers
>to still post, someone (Nick LaFlamme I think (hope I spelled that
>right Nick)) suggested this setup:
I got it from someone else, probably Marty Hoag.  :-) (As for the SpElling,
ClOse EnOugh.  :-) )
>Send= Editor
>Editor= me@mynode,(listname)
>Am I interpreting this correctly by thinking I should put in
>Editor= [log in to unmask],AUTOCAT
No, it'd be:
Editor= [log in to unmask],(AUTOCAT)
Your form would say the userid can send to the list, which doesn't make
much sense.  :-) The latter form means, "members of AUTOCAT."
>Does it just tell LISTSERV to check the whole subscription list each time
>someone tries to post, or what?
Yes, it tells the server to check the list, just like Send=Private.  The
difference is in what it does with rejects.
>I recently, very reluctantly, changed our list from public to private
>and we've a few gripes from those reading via redistribution services.
>        Douglas Winship    Austin, Texas    [log in to unmask]
>                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner
Maybe it's just me, but I'm baffled why people use redistribution services
these days.  About the only redistribution that makes sense to me is to a
global NETNEWS (UseNet) group, and that's a well known case.
NiCk Laflamme
ps - Yeah, I know my lastname is misspelled as I spell it.  It turns out my
grandfather was an attorney who signed his name a lot.  He got tired of
capitalizing the F, and the rest is bad French grammar and family history.