Below is a message I got from my postmaster for my list which has
approximately 4,200 subscribers. The list is moderated. Mail goes
out to subscribers. But messages are typically not posted from them.
This is way beyond me. Does anyone out there have any idea what might
be causing this?
-----------Message from Postmaster------------------------------
We are having a little trouble with AFA-FIN, and any light you might
be able to shed on it would help us a lot.
AFA-FIN itself isn't the problem, but the volume of mail it periodically
kicks out is swamping the spool and the mailers. It seems that a
somewhat large file (a digest maybe) is posted to AFA-FIN, and
listserv in turn (or maybe AFA-FIN) generates roughly 4100 copies of
this file to distribute to the subscribers.
Most lists don't act this way; they will generate one copy of the
file for each destination, and then tack a distribution list onto
that so as to save network bandwidth.
I have to admit that I've looked at the AFA-FIN list setup and I'm
a little mystified by some of the headers. John sent me a list of
what the different headers meant, but it is a very terse document
and I don't understand all the listed options.
Do either of you have any idea why AFA-FIN generates mail to every
user (instead of every destination), or which of the list parms
might control that? Or, alternately, is there someone (maybe LSTOWN-L)
we could ask? Thanks.