Eleftheria Maratos-Flier, co-owner, Healthre, said:
> Dan Wheeler has an identical error message to what I've been getting
> and it too is a month old.
> I think the identifier may be meaningless:
> >> (Probably to or from system 'scribe')
> >> It was sent to you or by you
> >> Sorry for the inconvenience
> One set of error messages I received referred to system 'moore.'
> The other referred to 'ablelink'.  Ablelink has a single subscriber
> and she is set to digest.
I've also received messages with other identifiers.  I think they
*do* identify the system to which the message was sent, but that
is not much help after a month.
I suspect that there was a temporary glitch on uunet.ca a month
ago that resulted in some messages not being delivered.  For some
reason, they are being returned to us now.  I've heard from
subscribers on scribe recently, and they did not mention any
current problems with mail from our lists.
It is also possible that uunet.ca changed their procedures so
that they now wait a month before bouncing messages from deleted
subscribers--and send us messages that make it impossible for us
to tell which subscriber is bouncing.  If this is true, I'm not
sure I'm willing to accept subscriptions from systems served by
I sent my letter to both root and postmaster at uunet.ca.  Does
anyone know a better way to reach someone at uunet.ca who might
be able to resolve this?  Both Eleftheria and I would appreciate
                          Peace,  Dan
<<  Daniel D. Wheeler          Internet:  [log in to unmask]  >>
<<  University of Cincinnati     Bitnet:  wheeler@ucbeh       >>