>    This probably  sounds like the dumb  question of the year,  but does
>    all this mean  that we could transfer an existing  list from Message
>    Exchanger software  by Hunter  Goatley and Matt  Madison, or  are we
>    S-O-L?
You could  definitely transfer  it, but  not with a  simple FTP.  I'm not
familiar with  the internals of  MX lists, but I'm  sure there will  be a
reasonably easy  way, if  MX supports  a REVIEW command.  If not,  we can
develop one, or pay someone to develop one for our customers.
>    I  am currently  operating  a  busy list,  and  acting  as a  manual
>    transfer agent for all traffic, including listserv commands, because
>    an  otherwise  configuration  would   allow  hundreds  of  auto-rcpt
>    confirmation messages  to flood through the  subscriber distribution
>    list and hit the user end as an avalanche.
Without more  information I can't  guarantee that this won't  happen with
LISTSERV either.  On the  other hand,  unless this  problem is  caused by
homebrew or  otherwise rare software,  chances are that it  doesn't occur
with LISTSERV as  nobody has reported such  a problem (at least  not on a
large scale).
>    The  other  question, maybe  best  answered  by our  internal  Info.
>    Systems group, but  I'll ask anyway, since we operate  both unix and
>    vms  systems,  are there  any  certain  advantages or  drawbacks  to
>    selecting  a package  for unix  vs. vms,  or even  one for  a novell
>    server on our LAN at our local departmental level.
Currently we only  support VMS and unix. If you  have long-term plans for
both environments,  I would  recommend the  VMS version.  The LISTSERV+MX
combination is very  easy to set up (with 4.1),  performs quite well, and
is easy to maintain. sendmail configuration  errors on the other hand are
the number one source of LISTSERV  problem reports under unix :-( As your
traffic grows  you will soon  have to upgrade  your sendmail to  8.6, and
eventually  you will  have to  switch to  ZMailer once  you reach  really
serious volume. Of course, if you're a unix expert it doesn't matter, but
if you're mostly  familiar with VMS, well, let's just  say that even unix
people agree that sendmail configuration is a bit tricky ;-) With VMS you
also  have the  option to  use  NJE (with  JNET). Finally,  our cost  for
maintaining  the VMS  version is  lower,  as we  have only  one brand  to
support and  the debugging  tools are  better. This  is reflected  in the
yearly support price, which is lower than with unix.
>    Thanks so  much for any  responses regarding the  evaluation package
>    from L-soft, considering the current situation I have explained.
We're finalizing  the VMSINSTAL  procedures and  hope to  have evaluation
kits for VMS next week.