On Fri, 17 Jun 1994, Jim Gerland - Network User Support wrote:
> This has already been answered so I won't, but...
> If they are going to be responsible for deleting subscribers and are not
> going to get the error messages how do they know who to delete?
The person will be deleting users based on various infractions they
perform on the list.  The postings require specific formatting and the
new owner is suposed to point out to people when they make a serious
formatting error.  Repeated infractions lead to deletion as a punitive
way to remind the subscriber the importance of formatting correctly.
Error-based deletions, from filled mailboxes or dead accounts will still
be handled by a non-quiet owner.
____        Robert A. Hayden       <=> [log in to unmask]
\  /__          -=-=-=-=-          <=>          -=-=-=-=-
 \/  /  Finger for Geek Code Info  <=> I do not necessarily speak for the
   \/   Finger for PGP Public Key  <=> City of Mankato or Blue Earth County
(GEEK CODE 1.0.1)  GAT d- -p+(---) c++(++++) l++ u++ e+/* m++(*)@ s-/++
                       n-(---) h+(*) f+ g+ w++ t++ r++ y+(*)