Carl said:
> >I don't  tell Word Perfect  `okay, now format  that just so  using codes
> >LAKSJDFLKNALDH', no. I just say "Print". The smart program knows what to
> >do after that point.
Eric responded:
> Wordperfect is  a graphical, interactive  program. It should do  what you
> expect it to do.
. . .
I thought the comparison to WordPerfect was unfortunate.  A much
better comparison is to the way other LISTSERV commands work.
If I want to retrieve a file, I send a command like this:
When I want to search the list archives, I send something like
// JOB Echo=No
Database Search DD=Rules
//Rules DD   *
search conference in kidlink since 94/1/1
Carl and I don't see the point of requiring the first three lines
of this.  I'd like to see it become optional so that current
uesrs will not have to change.  I also know about the options
that can be specified in these lines.  I rarely use them.
I also suggested that the default index (like the INDEX option
for the list) be supplied.
                          Peace,  Dan
<<  Daniel D. Wheeler          Internet:  [log in to unmask]  >>
<<  University of Cincinnati     Bitnet:  wheeler@ucbeh       >>