Basic question is: can one get items from the database with a "job" or
"get" using just the numbers of the items wanted without doing a database
search job?  It is entirely possible I missed the documetation on it or
have forgotten.
The scenario is that a subscriber did a number of searches interactively.
Her problem was she could not always get the items she wanted sent back
to her.  Never having worked interactively on BITNET I couldn't advise
her as to what might be the problem (I've read the instructions, but
often I don't *really* understand until I do it myself).  She couldn't
give me search terms as she had used many, but she did have a list of
index numbers which she sent me.
Lacking any sort of search limit, other than a beginning date which I
figured out from a preliminary search, the only way I could think of
getting the items was this:
// Job Echo=No
Database Search DD=Rules
//Rules DD *
s * in listname since yy/mm/dd
p 1987 2938 4307 5910 6101 10345 10756
This job naturally took a long time since it covered a year and a half
of the database.  And I didn't like doing it as it would use so much
computer time.  But I couldn't think of anything else.  I got what she
wanted and sent it to her.
So, was there an easier way, or one that would put less load on the
already overworked system?
If not, how about something like:
get (db listname nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn
Whadaya think, Eric? Possible? I've missed something? Dumb idea?
        Douglas Winship    Austin, Texas    [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner