On Wed, 20 Jul 1994 07:49:00 EDT, Peter M. Weiss wrote:
>Another reason why it is NOT good procedure to manually ADD
>(unless of course it is Subscription=By_Owner) is that
>list-owners do maek mis-steaks when they type in [log in to unmask]
Another example of "ignorance is bliss?"  Any Mac user does copy-paste
without giving it a second thought and NEVER typo's useridz or nodez ;-)
The main reason I resist using ADD (except for things like resubbing
someone who's mailer has changed their return address) is that subscribing
users who don't bother to send commands to the LISTSERV vastly increases
the likelihood of "please unsub me" messages being sent to the list.
/s Murphy A. Sewall <[log in to unmask]> (203) 486-2489 voice
   Professor of Marketing                          (203) 486-5246 fax