On Sat, 23 Jul 1994 19:24:54 EST "A. Ralph Papakhian"
<[log in to unmask]> said:
>Why does the LISTSERV at ubvm have a from line:
>L-Soft List Server at UBVM (1.8a)
>but the LISTSERV at iubvm has a from line:
>BITNET List Server at IUBVM (1.8a)
>Does that mean ubvm is not on bitnet?
IUBVM runs the base level of  1.8a (with the FIX18AT update) whereas UBVM
is running what will become 1.8b when  we decide it's time to release it.
The "From:" field was changed in March when LISTSERV-TCP/IP was released,
as "BITNET  List Server" was obviously  unsuitable :-) I decided  to have
"L-Soft" for the NJE version as  well, both to avoid confusing users ("Is
the L-Soft  LISTSERV not the same  as the BITNET LISTSERV?")  and because
there  are still  many users  who  don't know  that LISTSERV  is made  by
L-Soft. Finally, now that it looks  like BITNET will die within the year,
the last  we want  is for people  to assume that  LISTSERV will  die with
BITNET and they should migrate to Majordomo urgently :-)