On    Mon,    25    Jul     1994    15:24:16    -0400    John    Arnfield
<[log in to unmask]> said:
>(1) Will I be informed by LISTSERV when a subscriber has been deleted as
>a  result of  failing  to confirm  a subscription?  (Note:  the list  is
>'Notify= Yes'.) Will I be informed if the subscriber DOES confirm?
Yes, and no.
>(2) Will  the yearly period  count from  the subscription date  for each
>subscriber or from the date the 'Renewal=' keyword is added.
The former.
>(3)  If the  latter  is true  in  question (2),  will  a subscriber  who
>subscribed on  (say) April  23, 1989  next be  asked to  confirm his/her
>subscription on March 23, 1995?
He'll  be asked  the  next  time the  renewal  code  runs (usually  every
>(4) Picky I know but what happens  if a person subscribed on February 29
>in a leap year?
He doesn't get away with it :-)