Earlier today, David Scott Lewis wrote:
> I'd like to correct an oversight in the latest "Top 20 Listserv lists"
> message that was distributed today on net-happenings.
> Note: I trust that the list owner of lstown-l will edit out the three
> articles.  If the list is not moderated, I apologize for the length of
> this message.
        [remaining 560+ lines deleted]
        Lewis' needlessly elephantine posting makes me wonder whether
LSTOWN-L would benefit from imposing a limit on the size of postings.
Say, SIZELIM= 250?
        Or perhaps the list should simply restrict posting to
subscribers?  Since Lewis couldn't be bothered either to edit out the
hundreds of lines of egomaniacal filler or to check to see whether
LSTOWN-L is moderated, perhaps he also wouldn't have made the effort
to subscribe.
        Just my curmudgeonly thoughts for the day :-).
        Joan Korenman        Internet: [log in to unmask]
                             Bitnet:   korenman@umbc