> The lists  are the file server  functions are two different  things. They
> can (and usually  are) coupled, but they don't have  to. The "Files= Yes"
> option in the list headers applies to BITNET files sent (via SENDFILE) to
> the list  - should they be  accepted or not. SET  listname FILES controls
> whether a particular  user gets BITNET files for the  list. The files are
Ok, if I understand this correctly, Files= No is fine since no one ever
sends BITNET files to the list.  Correct?  The only files we're talking
about are those I install in the filelist.
> AFD controls  the distribution of file  server files (the kind  you order
> via GET).  You could subscribe to  a file with AFD  ADD SOME.FILE F=MAIL.
> You  can use  wildcards  if there  is  a matching  generic  entry in  the
> FILELIST. Thus, if you define an entry for '* MINUTES', you can subscribe
> to *.MINUTES or 94*.MINUTES.
Must there be some generic fn or ft or will double wildcards work?
(i.e.  AFD ADD * * AUTOCAT F=MAIL  so that every new file is sent, regardless
of fn ft)  We don't have generic fn nor ft, they are generally unique
for each file.
If double wildcards will work, does the subscriber have to be set Mail= Yes,
or will the files be sent regardless of the Mail=  option?
        Douglas Winship    Austin, Texas    [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner