On Fri, 22 Jul 1994 12:37:03 CDT, Rich Winkel <MATHRICH@MIZZOU1> wrote:
>Activ-l has about 1100 subscribers, the average length of articles
>posted to it is about 150 lines.
>At what point does it makes sense to look for a peer?
Probably "never".  :-)
The 'DISTRIBUTE' algorithm in LISTSERV already obtains the assistance
of the "backbone" LISTSERV servers, which provides an optimal "distribution"
of each posting to your list, i.e., LISTSERV is doing "on-the-fly" peering,
so you don't need to seek to do "static" peering.
Rather, you should invest your time in "simplifying" the E-mail addresses
of some of the subscribers, i.e., eliminate the "source-routing" from:
      [log in to unmask]
      [log in to unmask]
         [log in to unmask]
       [log in to unmask]
      [log in to unmask]
       [log in to unmask]
             [log in to unmask]
   [log in to unmask]
which are "inhibitors" to the efficiency of the 'DISTRIBUTE' algorithm.
For example, sending each posting to the user "ostertag" currently routes
from your host (Missouri) to CUNY (New York State) and then to LSU (Louisiana),
which is definitely not the shortest-possible route.
Also, it will be difficult for any of the above users to 'SIGNOFF'.  :-)